About me

Hey guys! I’m Shealyn “Shea”, wife to Nick and mama to a tiny girl gang (Harper, Emerson, and Ava). I’m a native Floridian, originally from Palm Beach and now raising our family in Naples. I’m a homebody who lives in grey joggers at home, a BIG dreamer, coffee addict, Jesus lover, and an essential oils junkie. I love a good book, dressing my girls in matching outfits any chance I get, sunshine and am a 2w3 if you are into Ennegrams.

I have wanted to start a blog for years and finally decided, if not now, when? This blog will be all about cultivating happiness from the things I love; motherhood, our bungalow, style, and wellness! I hope this blog inspires you leaves you feeling happy.

2 thoughts on “About me

  1. Your style (personal & professional) has always inspired me! Looking forward to reading your blog! You are such an artist!! So creative – this too, shall be an adventure to follow.


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